
Here are a few statistics from our trip:

  • We were on the road 37 days
  • Weight of my backpack’s combined weight: 18 + 5 = 23kg
  • My weight at the end of the trip (according to the 50 year old scales in the Berlin metro): 56kg... but it’s ALL muscle. Really really!!!
  • Weight of backpack as percentage of body weight: 41% (nb. Only 10-15% is acceptable)
  • Hitch-hiked with 31 different people (thank you to you all)
  • Camped at 4 petrol stations, on top of 2 mountains, next to 2 churches (once with police protection) and once in a woman's backyard
  • Number of times we moved the location of our tent/illegal campsite (for fear of attack, bandits, rape, being run-over by out-of-control trucks, or the one time when a truck nearly fell on us from above): 12 times
  • We managed to shower 19 times on our trip - not included the time we bathed in the river, the time we washed ourselves in the bathroom of a restaurant, or the bath we had in a cave which left us covered in calcium residue (bathing is supposed to make you cleaner)
  • Longest stretch of time without bathing: 5 days
  • I shaved once… and still haven't shaved
  • Our trip cost us each less that 26 Euro per day, all inclusive, including flights
  • Without the cost of flights, we spent about 14 Euro per day, all inclusive
  • We had the use of a car for 5 days, which means we slept in the back with the seats down for 4 nights
  • We were pulled over by police 3 times, once by a policeman hitching a ride for his friend
  • I ate 14 monster-sized lahmacuns in Yerevan. 2 per day.
  • Number of (glass) bottles of coke and ice-creams consumed: uncountable
  • We purchased 4 long salamis. Only 3 were digestible.
  • We ate bread and salami as a meal about 12 times
  • I had the shits once, but it lasted 7 days.
  • The most number of shits in one day: 17
  • Number of times I shat on myelf: I’d rather not comment
  • Stepped in animal shit 2 times: cow and dog.
  • Stepped in human shit 4 times.