Sorrento Creative Writing Prize
Finalist, 2024
The Prize celebrates the annual Sorrento Writers Festival and its mission to bring writers and readers together.
A prize for early career writers of migrant background. The prize is focuses on the development of unpublished writers who have either migrated to Australia or have a parent who migrated here. I was shortlisted for my manuscript, CRACK.

The Next Chapter award, created by The Wheeler Centre and supported by the Aesop Foundation, was designed to help a new wave of writers develop their skills and writing. In 2018, I was chosen from more than 1,100 entries nationwide as an inaugural recipient by judges Christos Tsiolkas, Maxine Beneba Clarke, Benjamin Law and Ellen van Neerven. Over the course of 12 months, I completed my comedy-fiction manuscript CRACK under the mentorship of Nick Earls.

The Writers Immersion and Cultural Exchange (WrICE) brings together Australian
and Asia–Pacific writers for face-to-face collaborative residencies in Asia and
Australia. I took part in the 2016 fellowship, which was held in Yangshuo,
China, with corresponding public events at Sun Yat-sen University in Guangzhou.
Other writers taking part included Alice Pung, Michele Lee, Maggie Tiojakin and
Lawrence Lacambra Ypil.
This cultural diversity and leadership program is the first of its kind in Australia. It addresses the gap in training for high-achieving multicultural leaders and for organisations who want to take their diversity and inclusion to the next level. John Yu Fellows are identified as leaders in their field who can help drive change and empower others. In 2020, I was nominated for this fellowship by the ABC.
Varuna Writer’s House
Varuna is the foremost institution for literature development in Australia. Since 1989, Varuna has inspired the creation of new Australian writing and provided support for a writing community and growing alumni.

Boroondara Literary Awards
Highly commended
The Shortest Short Story Competition This Side of Australia, run by the Australian Writers' Centre, called for short stories comprising 49 words or fewer, which includes the “signature word”.